The England Performance Pathway is a vital part of improving the standard of competitive netball played in England, with its main aim to ensure there is an increased number of better quality athletes progressing from the Academies into the England High Performance programme and INTCs. The Performance Pathway will act as a conveyor belt for high quality English athletes, taking players from 11-12 years old, all the way through to our Senior National team.
The new England Performance Pathway will;
Increase the amount of direct athlete-coach interaction and time in the Academies, across all the different levels
Provide year round training programmes for athletes
Increase the number of athletes in the U17 and U19 age groups
Increase the competition and formal match-play opportunities for athletes in the Pathway
Educate and develop coaches in the Satellite and County components and, support the development of both school and club coaches with a ‘top down’ nationally led approach